
Adorable Ways to Spoil a Guinea Pig

Do you have a Guinea pig for a pet? These little guys—also called cavies—are very adorable and fun pets. They’re great options for kids, as they are quite gentle and are also fairly easy to care for. But what does it take to pamper a Guinea pig? A Forest Hill, MD vet offers some helpful tips in this article.


What’s cuter than one Guinea pig? Two or three! Cavies are very sociable animals, and live with their buddies in the wild. We recommend getting at least two, as a single cavy may be lonely without any companions. Just be sure to only put same-sex cavies together, however. Otherwise, they may breed.

Comfy Cage

Guinea pigs spend the majority of their time in their cages, so it’s important to make sure yours have a roomy, comfortable habitat. If you only have one cavy, you’ll need a cage that is at least 7.5 square feet. If you have more than that, you’ll need a bigger cage. To increase your pets’ living area without sacrificing more of your own, get a cage with two or even three stories. Look for ones that have enclosed ramps between levels, so your pets can’t fall.


Guinea pigs absolutely love treats! Your cavies can have small portions of fruit as a snack. A slice of apple is a good option. You can also give the little guys a few blueberries, or a bit of banana. Don’t go overboard with sugary snacks, however. Ask your vet for specific dietary recommendations, including safe and unsafe foods, serving sizes, and good snacks.


You’ll need to provide your Guinea pigs with lots of fun toys, including plenty of suitable chew toys. You can make many of their playthings out of wood, cardboard, wicker, and paper items. (Tip: the cardboard tubes from toilet paper rolls make great chew toys.) Just be sure to avoid anything painted, dyed, or varnished, as well as anything with small parts or sharp edges.


Spend time with your cute pets every day. Many Guinea pigs actually enjoy snuggling up with their owners. You may even be able to teach your cavies simple tricks, like turning in circles or jumping through hoops.

Please reach out to us, your Forest Hill, MD vet clinic, for all of your pet’s veterinary care needs. We’re here to help.

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