
Adopting A Kitty From A Shelter

June is a wonderful time to celebrate and promote the adoption of shelter cats! In our opinion, every month should be dedicated to adopting shelter cats. We are thrilled to see any feline finding a loving home. Unfortunately, numerous shelter cats struggle to find loving homes. If you’re thinking about adding a new kitty to your life, your local shelter is an excellent place to start your search! A local Forest Hill, MD vet discusses adopting Fluffy in this article.

Why Adopt A Shelter Cat?

There are several compelling reasons why choosing to adopt from a shelter is an excellent option for bringing Fluffy into your life! Here are a few of the main ones:

Discover Your Ideal Pet: Shelters have a wide variety of cats, ranging in shapes, sizes, and colors. You’re sure to discover an excellent match.

Enjoy Quality Time with Your New Companion: Typically, you’ll have the opportunity to meet Fluffy before making a final decision. This helps ensure that you have chosen the perfect pet for you.

Save Money: Choosing to adopt from a shelter is unquestionably more cost-effective compared to purchasing from a breeder or pet store.

Help Other Animals: you will also be making a difference in the lives of other homeless kitties! Your furry pal’s spot will soon be filled by another adorable feline. In addition, the adoption fees for Fluffy will contribute to the shelter’s ability to provide care for its other adorable animals.

How Can I Pick A Shelter Cat?

There is no definitive answer in this situation. Many individuals have specific preferences for the age, breed, or color of their next kitty. That is purrfectly acceptable. Shelters house a wide variety of cats, so you will eventually come across the perfect feline companion.

It’s also not uncommon for people to enter a shelter with a mental checklist of desired traits, only to be unexpectedly drawn to a cat that appears to possess completely different qualities. Having an open mind is crucial. There is a great deal of value in trusting your instincts and choosing the cat that resonates with you the most.

That all said, it is important to consider a few key points. If you have other pets, choose a kitty that will easily blend in with her furry roommates. A timid feline that’s accustomed to solitude may feel uneasy in a household bustling with three additional cats, two dogs, and a flock of chickens. However, a kitty who forms strong connections with other felines may be lonely by herself. Many shelters have a great track record when it comes to evaluating the pets under their care.

How Can I Help A Shelter Cat In Adapting To Their New Environment?

Transitioning to a new home is a significant event for a feline. Although Fluffy may be going to a wonderful home, the shift is still going to be difficult for her. It is important to allow your furry companion sufficient time to adapt.

Have all the necessary preparations done beforehand. You may even want to do your shopping before finding your kitty. When dealing with dogs, it is occasionally necessary to wait a little bit to find out Fido’s size and fur type. That is not a problem with cats. Even if you’re bringing home a kitten, your little companion will have no trouble using regular-sized toys, beds, and furniture. (You may want to consider purchasing a kitten litterbox for little Fluffy, but they are quite affordable.)

Here are the items you should include on your shopping list:

  • Scratching post or board
  • Dishes
  • Toys
  • Beds
  • Treats
  • Catnip
  • Carrier

Consider  Fluffy’s age when you go shopping. Young kittens will have a blast playing with a variety of engaging toys and activity centers, while older cats may prefer to relax in cozy beds.

Regarding food, the best option will also vary based on your pet’s age and overall health. For more specific advice, consult your veterinarian.

If you have other pets, it’s a good idea to keep all your kitty’s belongings in a separate room at first. Your feline friend will have a peaceful and comfortable space to unwind and make herself at home. If Fluffy is going to be the sole pet, choose a peaceful corner.

Bringing Your Shelter Cat Home

Gotcha Day is a big deal for both you and your furry friend. Take your time when you arrive home. Set the carrier down and allow Fluffy to come out at her own pace.

Some kitties may quickly start exploring their new surroundings, while others prefer to only cautiously emerge. Give your furry buddy some space.

Take your time with introductions if you have other pets. It would be best if this process could be done gradually, across multiple days. First impressions are very important to Fluffy! Talk to your Forest Hill, MD veterinarian for personalized guidance on this.

Petproofing For  Your New Cat

Our feline companions are quite independent. They are also lively and mischievous and, well, more than a bit prone to shenanigans. You’ll definitely need to petproof your home. The list of things to address contains various items such as small or sharp objects, toxic plants, chemicals, and medication, as well as plastic bags, ties, ropes, and cords. Ask your vet for more information on this.

Apart from that, we just advise you to keep Fluffy inside. Cats that roam freely are exposed to various dangers, including traffic, harsh weather conditions, harmful substances, and potential predators. Your feline friend may also get lost: she could struggle to navigate her new surroundings and potentially become disoriented.

How Can I Keep A Shelter Cat Healthy?

Taking Fluffy to the vet should be one of the first things you do.  Fluffy will require a comprehensive examination from nose to tail. Most shelter cats are already spayed or neutered, although in some cases, this procedure is arranged during the adoption process. In addition to that, it is important to ensure that your furry companion is current on vaccines and parasite control. Don’t be shy about asking questions! This is an excellent opportunity to gather valuable insights on how to care for your beloved feline companion properly.

How Can I Form A Strong Bond With A Shelter Cat?

Some cats will think you’re the coolest thing ever right away and want to snuggle with you all the time, while others will take their time warming up. Patience is key. Avoid forcing attention on Your feline friend. Building her trust is crucial. Your kitty needs to know that you won’t hurt her or hold her against her will.

Talk to your feline companion, and offer her a variety of toys, treats, and catnip. Creating a secure and enjoyable environment for your pet will greatly contribute to their overall well-being. For example, you can provide Fluffy with a selection of pet-safe plants to nibble on. You can find a comprehensive list on the ASPCA website here.  Fluffy will likely enjoy having some furniture of their own, like a cat tower. Kitties absolutely adore window seats; they just can’t get enough of them! Beds, boxes, and catnip can also help get that motor going.


In conclusion, adopting a cat from a shelter is a fantastic opportunity to provide a second chance for a fortunate feline. With millions of cats being admitted to shelters annually, this act of kindness can make a significant difference.

Schedule an Appointment at Your Forest Hill, MD Animal Clinic

Is it necessary to bring  Fluffy along? Is it time for Fluffy’s check-up? Feel free to reach out to us, your Forest Hill, MD pet hospital, at your earliest convenience!

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