
Puppy Care Tips

March 23 is National Puppy Day! Have you recently adopted a puppy? Congratulations! We absolutely love watching dogs grow from playful, charming balls of fur into happy, healthy adult pooches. Puppy parenting is lots of fun, but it also entails lots of work. Here, a Forest Hill, MD vet offers some great puppy care tips.

Be Consistent

It’s easy to melt when looking into little Fido’s furry face. Puppies are beyond adorable! However, if you want your pooch to grow into a polite adult dog, you’ll need to lay down some laws and stick to them. For example, don’t let your pup sleep on the sofa the first night if you don’t want him doing that that all the time.


Little Fido has a lot to learn about the world. He’ll be particularly interested in figuring out what tastes good, and what is fun to play with. This curiosity can lead a frisky pup into some serious danger! Make your home safe for your furry pal by removing or securing toxic plants, wires and cords, small or sharp objects, medicines, lawn/garden products, chemicals, and plastic bags and ties.


Socialization is absolutely crucial to your puppy’s health and well-being. You want little Fido to form a positive and open opinion about the world. To do this, you’ll need to let him visit new places, and meet new people and friendly, well-behaved dogs. This must be done when your furry friend is still young: the window for socialization starts to close rapidly at around 3 months of age.


Training is another crucial aspect of good puppy parenting, and one that should start right away. Teach your fuzzy pal basic doggy obedience commands, like Sit, Stay, Come, Heel, and Lay Down. You’ll also want to crate train little Fido. Housebreaking, of course, is another must. Ask your vet or a professional dog behaviorist for tips.


One of the joys of having a puppy is being able to play with your frolicsome pet. Make sure little Fido has lots of toys, including plenty of suitable chew toys, and play with him daily. This will help him bond to you. Plus, it will be fun for you both! Don’t forget to snap photos of your canine buddy. This adorable toddler phase passes quickly!

Please contact us, your Forest Hill, MD vet clinic, anytime. We’re always happy to help!

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